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Foster communication

Active participation demands should be binding and explicitely agreed upon.


The activity choice allows for quick polls, the assignment of topics to groups as well as course dates.


The Forum activity can be setup differently. It allows you to structure a course (dates, deadlines, reminders, …). You can also motivate your students and support their interaction (debates of pro and contra, online role-playing).

If you setup a standard forum, any announcement published therein will automatically be sent to each course participant. Each participant may adjust or deactivate these notification settings individually on their personal profile.

Non-binding invitations for active participation tend to go unnoticed.


The activity chat is currently inactive on ISIS/moodle. Alternatively, meet@isis is under evaluation for future applications in educational settings. This chat software is only suitable for a small audience and should be implemented in moderated meetings only.

Tutors and lecturers


The activity assignment allows tutors and lecturers to comment on students' work and give direct feedback: Add the activity assignment to your course. Browse its settings to feedback types, to:

  • annotate PDF: This enables you to comment or annotate your students' file submissions. In ISIS/moodle at TUB, this function is restricted to PDFs only.
  • Comment inline: If students enter their submission online, trainers can leave comments inline. We recommend to color-code your comments.
  • Feedback comments: Add feedback to a seperate text box.
  • Feedback files: You can upload marked files, attachments to marked submissions as well as audio feedback. Please provide written feedback in PDF format.


Over the course of a term, students may often require support that can be provided online. Create a standard Forum (see section Forum above). Adapt its settings so that students are allowed to exchange comments, create topics to pose questions and interact independently.


In addition to asynchronous communication methods, students may demand live-meetings to discuss issues or assignments in person. Each course on ISIS provides its own video chat so that online communication (video, audio, screen sharing) can be facilitated. This option is available independtly of a lecturer. This option is discussed further in our section on web conference tools.