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First steps

ISIS = Moodle

ISIS designates a learning management system implemented at TUB for eLearning purposes. ISIS is based on the open source software Moodle. ISIS/moodle is a fast and easy entry point for students to access your learning materials. In addition to its basic functions, moodle provides you with tools to enable communication, collaboration and assignments.

  • Course creators: current TUB login-data and course creation privileges required
  • Participants: current TUB login-data and (if need be) your enrolment_key to access a course (enrolment keys are set by trainers) required
  • Number of participants: unlimited

Course creation

Application scenarios

Moodle offers various activities for implementation in higher education. You can combine these in accordance with your didactic intentions.

Apart from compiling resources and activities moodle may also improve a teacher's organizational abilities. Available tools facilitate the assignment of presentation topics or grouping users. To achieve this, please implement the activities choice, group choice or gerechte Verteilung (German).

Quick guides

Course management


Advice, support and workshops

You have any unresolved questions in relation to ISIS, implementing a concrete teaching project or the production of an educational video? Please access services offered by the Online-Lehre-Team:

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