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General recommendations for digital higher education

If you would like to substitute a lecture with digital content, educational videos and the provision of material on ISIS/moodle may be best. Live streams make sense only in rare cases.

Digital higher education encourages to develop otherwise slumbering potentials. Do not waste them by a direct transfer of offline concepts to the digital world. It is highly unlikely that students stick to a 90 minutes live stream, given that they may have to attend to more than one lecture per day. Therefore, it is crucial to develop alternative models. Students will benefit a lot from time-independent assignments available for download.

Additionally, synchronous meetings can be arranged in webconference tools. They can be applied to settings such as practical exercises, office hours and tutoring activities. At TU Berlin, the application ZOOM Business is to be used in educational settings. In contrast, Webex (Meeting or Training) is provisioned for oral examinations as well as administrative procedures. You may choose Webex as a conference tool for educational settings, too, if you are satisfied with its range of functions.

In order to comply with data protection guidelines at TUB, do not conduct oral examinations or administrative procedures in Zoom.

Lectures with larger audiences

Suitable for larger audiences:

Seminar-sized audiences

Suitable for seminar-sized audiences with an emphasis on interactivity:


Please consult the above section on seminar-sized audiences. Those tools are suitable for tutoring settings, too.

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